Getting started
Congratulations on your decision to enhance the look of your home with Canyon Stone products.
Canyon Stone products are made from a lightweight composite material that replicates the look and texture of natural stone, and offers the benefit of being able to be installed directly to any surface.
Calculating Materials Necessary
If you haven’t already purchased your materials, you may be wondering how much stone will be necessary to complete your project.
- First measure the square footage of the total area to be covered by stone.
- If you will be using corners on your project, plan for each linear foot of corner pieces to cover 1/2 square foot of area.
- Example: if you had a 100 square foot wall with an 8 foot corner, the corner pieces would cover 4 square feet of the wall. So, subtracting 4 from 100, you would need 96 square feet of flat stone to cover the face of the wall, and 8 linear feet of corner pieces.
- The grouted stone patterns are packaged assuming a 3/4″ grout joint. If your grout joint will be different than this, it may be necessary to order more or less product accordingly.
Some things to keep in mind before, during and after installing stone veneer.
Keep the Stone Clean During Installation
- Keep your hands clean while you are installing stone veneer.
- If you get mortar on the stone, let it dry (like grout) until it becomes firm , then flick it off.
- If wet cement is smeared on the stone, it leaves a thin film that dulls the stone. Take a sponge and clean water right away and keep washing with clean water until film is all gone.
Salt will Damage the Stone
Do not use salt where it may splash or get on the stone.
Prevent Mud Splashing
Where rainfall may splash mud on the stone, put down hay or straw to prevent mud splashing.
Check Local Building Codes
- Building codes vary from area to area.
- The absence or incorrect installation of water proofing, flashings, J-weep, stucco stop, caulking around doors and windows, cant strips, gutter and down spouts may result in water infiltration and cause damage in later years.
Tools and materials
For the installalion, we recommend the following tools and materials.
• Hammer
• Level
• 1 3/4″ Roofing Nails
• Grinder
• Hammer Tacker
• Circular Saw
• Wide Crown Stapler
• Safety Glasses
• Tin Snips
• Dust Mask
• Wheel Barrow
• Grout Bag
• Hoe
• Medium BristledBrush
• Masonry Trowel
It’s not absolutely necessary that you have all of these circular saw tools to use while installing stone veneer,
but they are all avail- able for rent from your local hardware rental shops.