Difficult Designs Made Easy With Quick-Fit Ledgestone Veneers

April 15, 2015

Problems Solved in Narrow Ledgestone Installations

The application of narrow ledgestones always proves to be a timely and costly process involving frustrations during installation. These frustrations revolve around the intricate planning required in setting irregular shapes in a pattern that is not only natural looking, but structurally sound. The difficulty in spotting stones to level segments of the project while balancing colour distribution can overwhelm an inexperienced homeowner and gives even professional contractors headaches. Canyon Stone Canada simplifies this common problem with an ingenious stone veneer design growing in popularity amongst manufactured stone veneer distributors, dealers and designers.

Reception in Stone Panel Dark Ember Image

Reception in Stone Panel Dark Ember

Quick-Fit Stone Panel Veneers is the Solution

Our Quick-Fit quality stone line of rectangular panel-shaped veneers interlock similar to a puzzle, while still giving you the impression of narrow ledge stones stacked one on top of another. In effect this saves you or your contractor time spent on planning a scheme in which to apply the panels, since the dimensions and colours on each piece are quite uniform. This results in minimal cutting and waste while accomplishing a modern and contemporary look faster than you can say Quick-Fit. Variety of Quick-Fits Ledge Stone Veneers Available to fit into any Decor.

Available in several attractive colour schemes with rugged or smooth textures, it is no wonder why this line is the style of choice for restaurant owners and commercial businesses as well as a portfolio mainstay for any professional designer. Furthermore, you will never have to worry about supporting the footings or foundation of your application as our Quick-Fit ledge stone veneer is both thin and lightweight. To see the effect this product can have on a design you have in mind, please visit or contact us and our representatives will be sure to help.